Multi-stop flights with

European trip planner that creates multi-stop flight trips in a few clicks. Cheap flight and train tickets combine into convenient multi-destination travel itineraries across Europe. 100+ official partners, without hidden faraway airports and any connecting flights.
    The go-to app for travelers
    Download the free 80days app for the expertise you can count on, plan and travel with confidence.


    Our travel planner make it easy to visit more than one place in a single trip.
    • We are here 24/7
      24/7 dedicated travel Support
      before and during your trip.
      Support on your journey.
    • Multi-modal transport
      Travel by any type of transport. Combine flights, trains, ferries in one booking.
    • Based on actual visits
      Our unique algorithm optimizes trips by actual visits, cost, time, energy, weather, and weight of inspiration.
    • Trips made with care
      Direct flights only. No faraway airports, no early morning, and late flights.
    • All Tickets in One Booking
      You will receive All tickets in one to email in a few minutes. You don't need to book all separately.
    • Automatic Check-in Service
      Automatic Check-in Service is free of charge. You will get mobile/print boarding passes 1-2 days before each departure.
    • Protection from changes/cancellations
      In this case we will offer you an alternative flight at our expense.
    • Baggage for the whole trip
      You will not overpay at the airport because of the ignorance of baggage allowance of airlines.